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Biden aides are sure Republicans will be blamed for a possible government shutdown

Kevin McCarthy Speaking

Republicans to Shoulder Blame for Government Shutdown, Biden Aides Assert

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy finds himself in a challenging position as he attempts to mollify his House Republican caucus amidst an escalating budgetary dispute. Meanwhile, within the White House, officials are cautiously optimistic about a bipartisan agreement made in the Senate just days ago that could break this deadlock.

Mounting Pressure on Speaker McCarthy

President Joe Biden's aides firmly believe that if a government shutdown were to occur, the blame would fall squarely upon the Republicans, particularly Speaker McCarthy. Administration officials clarify that McCarthy's ability to draft and pass a viable bill without bipartisan support remains doubtful.

The Biden administration has observed this unfolding chaos from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. They have accused McCarthy of reneging on an earlier spending agreement while outlining the potential detriments a shutdown could inflict on the American public.

Republicans Wrestling to Secure Votes

Despite the current situation, McCarthy has refrained from scheduling a House vote on a Senate-proposed bill. This bill includes an allocation of twelve billion dollars to aid both Ukraine and domestic disaster recovery efforts and would keep the United States government functioning until November 17.

White House Strategies Amid Political Turmoil

While these squabbles continue, senior officials within the White House maintain open lines of communication with both lawmakers and their aides. As the funding deadline looms larger, White House advisers are briefing President Biden on the status of these negotiations.

The current direction seems to be towards allowing the GOP, particularly McCarthy and his House Republican team, to grapple with the fallout from their inability to agree on a funding plan. The Biden administration considers this dysfunction beneficial to the president's political standing.

Implications of a Potential Government Shutdown

Following weeks of deliberation, Biden's advisers have decided to allow GOP lawmakers to take the initiative in reaching a consensus on the budgetary issue. The administration's go-to strategy for now is to "watch the GOP struggle and force them to govern or be blamed for shutdown".

President Biden has condemned the committed stance of Republicans that might lead to a government shutdown, potentially affecting active-duty service members' paychecks. The president terms this as an "absolute dereliction of duty".

Possible Political Repercussions for Republicans

The White House is doing its utmost to ensure that the blame for a potential government shutdown falls on what they label as the "extreme" Republicans. This includes emphasizing the potential impacts on areas such as disaster relief, food stamps, airports, and active-duty troops' pay.

Republicans' Counter Accusations

Republicans have attempted to throw the blame back onto the White House for the current state of stalemate. They criticize Biden for not addressing the migrant surge at the US southern border and for his perceivable absence from these vital talks. The final outcome of these intense negotiations remains uncertain as President Biden, and his aides continue to firmly hold their ground in this political confrontation.


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