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Sen. Josh Hawley Received Campaign Donations From General Motors and Ford

Sen. Josh Hawley

Sen. Josh Hawley's Past Campaign Backed by Donations from General Motors and Ford

In a surprising revelation this week, it was discovered that Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., has previously received campaign donations from General Motors (GM) and Ford. This comes after the senator appeared at a GM plant in Wentzville, Missouri, to stand in unity with members of the United Auto Workers during their striking period.

GM and Ford's Backing of Sen. Josh Hawley's Campaign

The "pro-worker" senator is currently challenging the Big Three automakers - GM, Ford, and Stellantis - for higher worker pay and better working hours. But his campaign contributions tell a different story. From his first run for Senate in 2018 through 2020, Hawley's Political Action Committee (PAC) reportedly received $8,500 from GM's PAC and an additional $1,000 from a GM executive.

Ford's PAC also contributed $3,500 to his election campaign during the same period. Further records filed with the Federal Election Commission reveal an additional contribution of $13,000 from PACs associated with Toyota, a Japanese company known for its non-union shops in the United States.

In response to questions about these contributions, Hawley's spokesperson noted his 2021 commitment to abstain from accepting money from corporate PACs going forward.

The Skepticism Surrounding Hawley's Pro-Worker Stance

While Hawley asserts solidarity with the strikers, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and UAW have critically analyzed his historic records on workers' rights. According to these unions, Hawley's record does not reflect his proclaimed support for workers' rights. Interestingly, Hawley has been known aligning with his party's anti-union stance, though there are some shifts in his recent positions.

His presence at the GM plant was deemed as "deplorable, disingenuous, and disgusting" by David Cook, president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 655 and Missouri AFL-CIO board member. Skeptics have advised scrutinizing Hawley's voting record to discern his stand on workers' rights and, more specifically, union members' rights.

Hawley's Controversial Position on Green Transition

Hawley's stance against the green transition — blaming it for job losses and placing more jobs in China — has stirred controversy. This position directly contrasts with the United Auto Workers, who praised the Biden administration for working towards the integration of environmental friendliness and good jobs. The green transition has been identified as a significant issue that affects all people due to the rise in extreme weather events.

In conclusion, while Sen. Hawley navigates these controversies and leans towards a pro-worker stance, his past campaign donations raise questions about his genuine support for workers and their rights.


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